
Times for Restitution of Looted Art | Partnership with Antibes

Following the Penitent Madeleine restitution conference held on February 1st, 2024, the...

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Paris Fashion Law Conference 2024

The FEU is delighted to host the 2024 Paris Fashion Law Conference...

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Workshop - Cultivating diplomacy exploring “The Soul of Civility”

On April 23rd, the Fondation des États-Unis will host an immersive diplomatic...

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Such a little — little boat | Celebrating Emily Dickinson

As part of the Nuits de la Poésie festival organised by the...

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The Restitution of "The Penitent Magdalene": a Work of Justice

The Fondation des États-Unis (FEU) is pleased to organize an evening around...

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Medical Cultures | Psychology award grantees conference

To start the 2023-24 FEU cultural season, join us for the first...

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Paris Fashion Law Conference

The FEU is delighted to host the Paris Fashion Law Conference on...

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État des savoirs: enjeux et perspectives de la recherche sur la Jeune Amérique, 1607-1865 | Conference

The FEU is delighted to host the conference État des savoirs: enjeux...

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Theatre and the City

La FEU est heureuse d’accueillir du 23 au 26 juin le colloque...

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The Fontainebleau Schools centennial symposium & Cine-Concert

The Fontainebleau Schools are an eminently original institution in the landscape of...

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Congress: State of Research on the Americas | Institut des Amériques

The Institut des Amériques (IdA) 2021 Congress will take place from September...

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Book Presentation: The Engagement by Sasha Issenberg

On Monday, June 14th at 6pm Central European Time, join Sasha Issenberg...

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Identities | Photograhy Exhibition by Flore Prebay and Léa Gouzy

”Exposed”: Flore Prebay exhibits queer bodies, within and outside of norms, to...

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Voguing Performance

The Legendary Vinii Revlon will host a voguing competition at 5pm on June 11...

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Queering the City Symposium

The aim of this 3-day symposium that will take place at FEU...

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Mental Health & Preconceived Notions | Medical Cultures

The FEU’s Medical Cultures program invites the audience to reflect about the...

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