Squaring the Circle, Harriet Hale Woolley, Past & Present

The Fondation des États-Unis is proud to present its first show of Harriet Hale Woolley scholars, past and present.

The exhibition, featuring works by scholars of many generations (1960s to today), will celebrate not only their eclectic artistic universes, but also the existence of this scholarship for almost a century. Bequeathed to the Fondation des Etats-Unis in the 1930s by Harriet Hale Woolley, some 300 art, music and psychiatry students have received the scholarship and been given the opportunity to live and work in one of the mythical 5th floor studios. This is the first exhibition to examine the rich artistic history of the scholarship and to bring together a group of alumni, some of whom live in France and others in the United States. The themes of the exhibit are inspired by the works of the artists themselves and alternate between an interest in nature, collecting and memory.

Featured artists include: Sharon Beckman, Ed Bernstein, Ronald Bowen, Tali Gai, Ed Lazansky, Guy Livingston, Maureen O’Leary, Kelly Reedy, Jennifer May Reiland, Taylor Smith, Victor Sparrow, Judy Thomas, Liz Ward and Murray Zimiles.

Project initiated by Maureen O’Leary in 2016
Curator: Tali Gai
Project Manager: Noëmi Haire-Sievers

Download the digital version of the catalogue here.

Article by Christopher Gellert, former resident, published in Transatlantica.

Exhibition Opening Hours
Monday to Friday from 10am to 12:30pm and 2:30pm to 5:30pm. Evenings or weekends by appointment only: culture@feusa.org
The official opening will take place on Wednesday, June 6 at 7pm as part of Art-Hop-Polis, art hopping at the Cité internationale. The full program is available on CitéScope.

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